
Let’s face it—not every professional likes his or her job. But after all, having a job in “today’s economy” is often considered a luxury in itself. While it may be desirable to be employed rather than jobless, it does not mean that those with “bad jobs” should stay put. In fact, many can use their experience in a thankless career as motivation to push forward and pursue career goals—and possibly put more money on the table.

So what qualifies as a terrible job?

Using an extensive methodology, CareerCast has recently ranked 200 best and worst jobs of 2014 for the 26th consecutive year. From low salary to long work hours to dangerous jobsite conditions—there are many factors that set a bad job apart from a good one.

Some of the top worst jobs described on the list may not be that surprising—such as correction officers and garbage collectors—but other careers may surprise job seekers for their poor quality. For instance, newspaper reporters and head cooks aren’t necessarily the “dream jobs” that many may interpret them to be according to a recent report from AOL.

Making the Best out of a Bad Situation

At Chic Resumes, we believe that every professional has more to offer than what they may think. Individuals who are unsatisfied with their careers—whether they rank poorly or not—should always strive to make positive changes in their profession. However, this means learning how to recognize important job skills and factor them neatly into specially-crafted resumes and cover letters.

Those who think having a “worst job” will only put them lower at the hiring totem pole should not give up hope. Putting a positive spin on a bad job may not only improve one’s resume, but could also get an individual a better job. Here are just some traits that a difficult and challenging job can reflect on a resume when written professionally:

  • Dedication

Working in a position that may have slim chances of providing a raise, benefits or greater comforts along the way shows true dedication. Searching for another job, however, does not suggest that one is looking to abandon that commitment, as some job seekers may be afraid of implying. It is important to showcase aspects of your current “bad” job on a resume that show dedication. Some of these factors may include managing large staffs, meeting tough deadlines and working within tight budgets.

  • Problem Solving Abilities

Working one of the jobs on the “worst” list likely will require working with difficult situations that may carry no protocol whatsoever. Taxi drivers to corrections officers may find themselves having to make quick decisions to protect their profit, jobs and the employer they are serving. While it may seem like an everyday responsibility, problem solving is something that many employers are looking for—being able to solve the toughest challenges is something that may get you more attention on a resume.

  • Managing Risk

At the top of the worst jobs list is the lumberjack profession; it is dangerous and rugged. While the risk of injury is high for lumberjacks, these professionals are also focused on minimizing error to keep any incidents from happening. The ability to predict risks, manage solutions and avoid devastating problems is something that many employers will welcome—especially those that are trying to save money and evade legal complications.

What If I Like My “Terrible” Job?

While CareerCast has methodically calculated what makes a job worse off than another, it does not mean that people do not enjoy these careers. In fact, many may enjoy the thrill and personal rewards that come with a difficult profession. Still, those who have a “bad” job should take time to revamp their resume and review what skills they actually bring to the table.

Revisiting job skills and accomplishments made through a difficult career can be important to boosting a resume—especially if one is looking to take on a higher role within the company they current work for. Bringing a resume up-to-date to reflect these important qualities is also worth considering if you are thinking about asking for a raise or about to have an annual job review.

Building the Best Resume

Whether you have a career found on the “worst jobs” list or the “best jobs” ranking, it is important to have a clean, crisp and informative resume. If you are ready to translate your skills and years of hard work to a strong resume, contact Chic Resumes today at (803) 831-7444 or