Landing the right job can take time. You may go through some short-term positions in the interim as you find the right fit. Or, you may hold more than one job at a time. You may also have been let go due to reduction in force or other layoffs. In any case, you are now faced with the decision as to whether or not to include your short-term job on your resume. Consider the following as you decide:
Does it fill a gap in time? If leaving the job off of your resume would create a noticeable gap in employment, it may be beneficial to include so that you can show you were working during that time. Listing only the years of employment rather than months and years can help to mitigate gaps while still remaining truthful. Highlight the most notable achievements during your time there and focus on relevant skills.
If it does not fill a gap and leaving it off would not impact your career progress, you can probably skip it. This is especially true if it is not relevant to the work you want to do and you didn’t have any significant gains while being there.
Did you accomplish something noteworthy? Sometimes a short-term job can still have a meaningful impact on your career. If you were recruited to fulfill a specific goal or initiate change, focus on these accomplishments. Or, if you managed to exceed sales expectations, secure new accounts, or create other significant benefits, call out these points. You don’t have to elaborate extensively on your work, but make sure the most important elements stand out.
If you were not there long enough to really have an impact or get very involved, there may not be much experience worth pointing out. Or, if it overlaps with content that you have already covered in other positions, it would not detract from your resume to leave it off.
Were you using relevant skills? Even if the job was not in your intended field, you may still be using relevant skills. If the work you performed helped you to grow in your abilities or refine your skills, make note of this. Using up-to-date software, strategies, or best practices can show that you were still developing your professional abilities even as you were searching for a position better aligned with your goals. You were making the most of the opportunity you were presented with.
If your position was completely unrelated to your career and more just a way to make ends meet, it may not be necessary to include it on your resume. When holding a part-time job that is just for extra income and your full-time job highlights your qualifications much better, focus on the full-time position. Employers are more interested in seeing what you are doing related to your career and how this can benefit them and support why you are a good fit.
There is no cut-and-dry answer as to whether or not you should include a short-term job on your resume. It really depends on the specific position, how it fits into your career, and the circumstances surrounding it. It will vary from person to person. If you are unsure which jobs to include on your resume, contact the team at Chic Resumes. We can help you to evaluate the benefits of each job and how to position yourself in the most positive light. To get started revamping your resume, call (803) 831-7444 or email
Amanda E. Clark founded Grammar Chic in 2008. She is a graduate of Eastern Michigan University and holds degrees in Journalism, Political Science, and English. She launched Grammar Chic after freelancing for several years while simultaneously leading marketing and advertising initiatives for several Fortune 500 companies.