Education is a dynamic and diverse field. Teachers are tasked with shaping the minds of their students and preparing them for the future. There is a lot of research, planning, collaboration, and analysis that goes into each day. When looking at the scope of their responsibilities and accomplishments, it can be difficult to figure out just how to put it down on paper.
There are many elements that teachers should consider when crafting their resume and conveying their experience, abilities, and enthusiasm:
- Highlight Professional Development
Best practices for teaching are always changing. Researchers are always developing better ways to reach and instruct students. Teachers are continually refining and expanding their repertoire to meet the needs of their students and effectively convey material. You have worked hard to get where you are, so let it show. Include a list of professional development courses that you have taken to demonstrate that you are knowledgeable in the most current practices. This may include things such as Common Core, classroom management, curriculum planning, or more subject-specific coursework.
- Include Quantifiable Accomplishments
A significant part of teaching revolves around data. If you have led students to achieve high test scores or improve upon previous results, make sure to point this out. This can demonstrate your ability to make a positive impact and drive results. Clearly your teaching methods and strategies are making a difference. Some school districts are shifting to performance-based pay structures, so showing that you have the ability to elevate learning and help students to be more successful can support your proof of a job well done.
- Stay Current with Keywords
Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are programmed to pick out specific keywords. In education, these keywords can make a difference and show you are current with trends in the industry and those specific to your grade range or subject area. Examples include: classroom management, differentiated instruction, curriculum development, inclusion, technology integration, lifelong learner, or digital literacy.
- Show Diversity
You want to express your ability to work with not only students, but also other educators, parents, and the community. How do you connect with these key players? Have you incorporated them into your planning or lessons? Perhaps you have invited local entrepreneurs, scientists, or firefighters to talk to your class. Highlight your ability to create a diverse and engaging environment and lessons. Your ability to connect and collaborate with people at all levels and keep them informed and involved can be beneficial.
Your resume should be a comprehensive look at what makes you an exceptional teacher and what you bring to the classroom, school, community, and profession. Drive home action-and results-oriented accomplishments by creating powerful statements that make an impression and show your strengths.
As a teacher, you probably wear many hats during the day and fill a variety of roles. The professionals at Chic Resumes can help you to capture these qualities and experiences and make them stand out on your resume. Whether you are looking for your first job or are a seasoned veteran, a solid resume is a necessity. Contact Chic Resumes today at (803) 831-7444 or for more information about our comprehensive resume packages.
Amanda E. Clark founded Grammar Chic in 2008. She is a graduate of Eastern Michigan University and holds degrees in Journalism, Political Science, and English. She launched Grammar Chic after freelancing for several years while simultaneously leading marketing and advertising initiatives for several Fortune 500 companies.