PR-Account-Mgr1-780x250Your resume is often the first impression that an employer gets of you. As such, job seekers strive to make it attractive and eye-catching. This means having the right key words to generate positive attention and make it through a resume scanner and into the hands of a person. Before you try to integrate a lot of words that you think sound great and make you look more impressive, consider the meaning behind them. Here are five words that may not be helping your resume as much as you think they are:

  1. Responsible for

This short phrase tends to segue into a list. And lists are often boring. Rather than stating what your responsibilities were, show what you accomplished. Maybe you were responsible for managing the budget, but what does that mean? What was the value? How did you track and delegate funds? Did you do anything to generate cost savings or use funds more effectively? Give each statement more purpose and meaning. Consider why it matters and is worth mentioning.

  1. Experienced

This is a rather generic term as it can mean something different to everyone. Does it mean that it is something you have been doing for a week, a year, or 10 years? Be more specific. Highlight advanced training and show that you have these skills. Instead of saying that you’re experienced in launching new products, say that you launched four new software products in six months generating more than $1M in revenue. This puts value on what you have done and helps to put it in context.

  1. Team Player

This is another generic term. Just because you think you work well with others, would someone else agree? Expand upon your leadership and collaboration skills. Show what you have accomplished and the effectiveness of the teams that you have built. What was your role in these team-oriented projects?

  1. Innovative

Trends are always changing. How are you showing that you’ve kept up with current techniques and progressive ideas? What exactly have you done to prove that you are innovative? Elaborative on forward-thinking concepts or projects that you have worked. Demonstrate how you were able to overcome challenging problems through strategic thinking.

  1. Motivated

Motivation is something that is hard to quantify. If you are driven to achieve results, make sure your resume clearly shows the impact you have made. You could show your motivation to excel in your career by including professional development and training courses you have taken to stay abreast of best practices and advanced skills within your profession. Let an employer come to the conclusion that you are motivated based on what they read.

The problem with many buzzwords is that they are too vague and difficult to quantify. Focus on using strong verbs and adjectives that demonstrate your abilities and emphasize results. Don’t get caught up in using the latest lingo simply to make yourself appear more impressive and up-to-date. To create a more solid resume that targets your abilities and reflects you in a positive light, contact Chic Resumes today. We will work with you to exemplify why you are a strong fit and what you bring to the table. Call (803) 831-7444 or email to polish up your resume today.