Over the past few years – and especially the past few weeks – there has been a greater push for diversity and inclusion not just in the workplace, but in society in general. The world is made up of all kinds of different people, and each one brings their own unique strengths and talents to the table and can serve as an asset to an employer.
As employers make a conscious effort to diversify their workforce and promote equality, it becomes more important for candidates to show their commitment to these initiatives as well. One place to start is by highlighting your own experience with diversity and inclusion on your resume.
Working with diverse teams. Note throughout your career your experience working with people who come from all different backgrounds and levels within an organization. If you’ve managed remote employees located around the world, collaborated with international clients, or been part of organizing global operations, make sure this is included. What did you achieve through these interactions?
Encouraging feedback and different perspectives. Part of diversity and inclusion is respecting the opinions of others. Rather than simply making decisions yourself, demonstrate how you elicited feedback from different people within the organization and collaborated to come to an agreement. It is important to be able to listen and learn from people who have insight, training, and experiences that differ from your own.
Being multi-lingual. If you speak more than one language, that should be included on your resume. Or, if you worked to make a program more accessible by ensuring that information was provided in multiple languages or through various mediums to reach a broader audience. Perhaps you had to work with a team located in another country to set up a new office or negotiate a contract. This all shows your ability to communicate with people from different backgrounds.
Volunteering. Volunteer work is something that many people overlook when it comes to their resume, but it can give employers insight into who you are as a person and what is important to you. Have you spent time volunteering at a local shelter or food bank? Have you raised funds for advocacy organizations or groups committed to serving the underserved? Are you part of a group that promotes cultural diversity and understanding? Let employers see what you’re up to outside of the office and how you support initiatives that you are passionate about.
Serving on committees or doing community outreach. Many companies have committees that are dedicated to diversity and inclusion, community outreach, innovation, company culture, or recruitment. Highlight your involvement and what you have achieved (or been working on) as part of these teams. If you’re not part of any committees yet, now is a good time to make a change and become more involved.
Show that you are part of the solution and are doing your part to promote diversity, equality, and inclusion in the workplace. Incorporate the work you have done and initiatives you have been part of in your resume. If you need help polishing up your resume, turn to the team at Grammar Chic. We’ll work with you to create a resume that you can feel confident in. Contact us today at (803) 831-7444 or resumewriting@grammarchic.net to schedule a consultation.