What’s the point of having a strong resume? Thinking long-term and big-picture, the goal is to get a job—but of course, there’s another step in the process. Before your resume gets you a job it has to get you an interview, and the job interview comes with its own share of potential obstacles.
Some jobseekers really thrive in an interview. They are good at selling themselves and comfortable speaking about their achievements. For many, the interview can be intimidating. It is a narrow window you have in which to make a powerful impression and distinguish yourself from the competition, all while answering potentially befuddling questions.
Many jobseekers bring bad habits into the interview, and of course those habits can sink your chances before the interview even really begins. But what are some of the worst interview habits for you to be aware of and to avoid?
- Lying.
See also: Embellishing. Remember that any comment or claim you make in a job interview is likely to receive a follow-up question. If you make a claim to some great achievement, you’re probably going to be asked to explain further. If you have to say something like uh, I don’t remember then you’re going to come across as unconfident—or simply dishonest. Tell the truth. Honesty really is the best policy.
- Humblebragging.
We have all heard it done: “Well, I guess my only real faults are that I work too hard, I care too much, and I can really be a perfectionist.” You can see right through this, of course—and so can your interviewer.
- Being negative.
If you talk negatively and complain about your current job, you’re going to talk negatively and complain about your new job sooner or later. And interviewers don’t want to hire complainers. Be positive, and keep your comments about your current job professional and discreet.
- Being too money-minded.
Yes, you definitely want to know how much the position pays. But don’t make that the very first thing you bring up. In fact, it’s best to let the interviewer bring it up, if at all possible.
- Making excuses.
Your interviewer doesn’t care about your car trouble or about any of the other reasons why you’re late or why you don’t know more about the company. Show up on time, having done your research on the company and thought up two or three smart questions to ask about the business and its culture.
But again: All of this starts with a good resume. Get one today by contacting Grammar Chic at 803-841-7444, or www.grammarchic.net.
Amanda E. Clark founded Grammar Chic in 2008. She is a graduate of Eastern Michigan University and holds degrees in Journalism, Political Science, and English. She launched Grammar Chic after freelancing for several years while simultaneously leading marketing and advertising initiatives for several Fortune 500 companies.