
While job seekers want to show the extent of their experience in various areas, repeating the same information several times throughout a resume can quickly become a turn off. Recruiters want to know your capabilities, but also want to see diversity. Redundancy – both in the words you use as a job seeker and in describing your responsibilities – can weaken the impression you are making during a job search.

Elaborate the most on more recent positions. While you may have held a similar role at a few companies, focus on your more recent accomplishments. This is often the most up-to-date application of these skills and the most relevant to the type of position being sought. By highlighting the complexities and results of what you are doing, it can often be assumed that you either did similar work in the past, or are a quick learner. Otherwise you would not be able to produce the results that you have or be as effective or efficient.

Focus on results. If you have assumed the same responsibilities in various roles, aim to differentiate between them. What did you accomplish?  What were the results of your efforts? While you may have been making sales or managing accounts, there were surely differences among them. What stands out in your mind that you are most proud of? Just because the responsibilities overlapped, how you approached them and what you were actually doing was probably different. Make the content unique. Each bullet point should serve a purpose and demonstrate your strengths and potential.

Change up the wording. Many job seekers fall into the trap of using the same words over and over again to describe their experience. Make your resume stand out among the competition and pack a stronger punch by integrating strong action verbs. Use the Internet to search for action verbs or synonyms.  A thesaurus can be a good place to start. By simply rephrasing a statement, you can make it more meaningful. This can also help you to look at your work from a new perspective as you spruce up the language. Just be careful to ensure that you are not exaggerating accomplishments and making it appear as though you had a different role or did things that you did not do.

Try to make each bullet point start with a different verb. Think about how much more attractive it sounds to say that you spearheaded or orchestrated a project, forged or cultivated relationships, and generated or grew sales. Retire those tired and overused phrases to create a fresh new feel for your resume. This will also help you to better incorporate keywords and terms from the industry because you are focused on maximizing appeal and avoiding redundancy.

Sell yourself. You want your resume to sell you to employers by demonstrating your most attractive qualities, abilities, and accomplishments. Make sure that each statement serves a purpose and positions you in a positive light. Grab attention by using powerful verbs and adjectives. Creating this strong impression can help you to avoid redundancy by carefully choosing the words and phrases that you use. By paying a little more attention and putting in some extra effort, you can boost your appeal.

If you are having difficulty finding the right words or ensuring that your experience does not all run together, let the team at Chic Resumes help. We will work with you to highlight your achievements and describe your abilities in a way that sets you apart for the right reasons with a professional quality resume. To learn more about our comprehensive services, call us today (803) 831-7444 or email