How to Write a Resume to Run for Office

How to Write a Resume to Run for Office

Do you have a passion for politics or serving the public? A strong desire to make a difference and advocate for the best interests of citizens? Then running for office may be in your future. But you may be wondering how you position your resume to show that you are a...
Overcoming 5 Common Resume Red Flags

Overcoming 5 Common Resume Red Flags

There is no such thing as a perfect resume because everyone’s experience, career path, and goals are different. But there are some general best practices and standards that are considered widely acceptable. There are also some red flags that can raise questions from...
How to Accept a Job Offer

How to Accept a Job Offer

Curious to know how to accept a job offer? Picture this… the email you have been eagerly anticipating has finally arrived. You were just offered a job you have interviewed for. While inside you may be screaming “yes!” and celebrating, resist the urge to...
Should You Pause Your Job Search over the Holidays?

Should You Pause Your Job Search over the Holidays?

December is a busy month and you might be contemplating a holiday job search, too. However, you’re trying to tie up loose ends as the year winds down and scrambling to find gifts for family and friends. You also have a full calendar and are attending a variety of...
Writing a Powerful Personal Statement in the Age of AI

Writing a Powerful Personal Statement in the Age of AI

Let’s be honest, did ChatGPT really create a powerful personal statement for you? The answer is no. Artificial intelligence (AI) platforms such as ChatGPT have been praised for their ability to quickly generate content that can be tailored to specific requests....