
In today’s economy and job market, switching jobs is nothing surprising. There are many people who have left one employer for another, changed positions, or shifted their career focus all together. There is no steadfast rule that says you must stay in one industry for your entire career. Some people move around trying to figure out what it is they want to do.

However, having a varied assortment of jobs on your resume can confuse employers if you do not have a clear format and message. It may leave them wondering what it is you want to do and how you are qualified for the position for which you are applying. Figuring out how to tie everything together can help your resume to leave a much stronger impression.

Know your goal. What type of job are you looking for? Before you can begin crafting and tailoring your resume, you need to have a clear focus in mind. This will help you in determining what information to keep and what to cut when editing your resume.

Find a common theme. What strengths and abilities are required for the job you want? Once you have come up with a list of keywords and skills, go back through your work history and start making connections. Highlight the accomplishments and projects from each job that align with the overall theme and message you want to send.

What did you gain from the position? This may take some thought. Consider each job and what you gained from it that contributes to your qualifications for your current career. Look at the bigger picture. Did you collaborate with others? Create exceptional customer experiences? Learn how to use a specific program? Use social media to build company recognition? How can you tie these tasks and accomplishments back to what it is you want to do?

Include metrics. Where applicable, include metrics and quantifiable results. This gives more solid proof of a job well done. It can help to show that you are able to meet and exceed expectations and produce results.

Skip short-term jobs that hold little value. If you worked a summer as a waitress or at the local grocery store just to make extra money and it does not relate at all to your career, you may benefit from leaving this off. As long as it does not leave a significant gap in employment, it adds little benefit and takes up valuable space. If the job will cause a noticeable gap, explain the position as concisely as possible and move on. No need to elaborate on details irrelevant to your current career.

Having a variety of jobs is not necessarily a bad thing so long as you present them in a way that shows what you have gained from each and how it has helped you to get where you are. Demonstrate your diverse knowledge and abilities and how you can benefit your next employer. If you are struggling with figuring out how to tie everything together and present yourself as a qualified candidate, the team at Chic Resumes is ready to help. We will help you maximize the appeal of each job and highlight your core strengths and abilities. Contact Chic Resumes at (803) 831-7444 or to get started.