As schools were shut down indefinitely, it meant that teachers had to quickly adapt. Rather than stepping into a classroom and interacting with 20+ students at a time, teachers now had to make learning possible remotely using online platforms and resources. To say this has been challenging for most is an understatement. Many schools and teachers were not trained or prepared to shift learning entirely online. But that is what they have had to do.

Teachers are finding now that they tend to fall into one of two camps. Either they are learning how to thrive in this new environment and refining their skills as an educator, or this is the final straw that has made them realize they are ready to leave the profession. (And certainly there are some who fall somewhere in between.)

Whether you’re staying or going – no judgment here, it’s time to update your resume.

If You’re Staying in Teaching

For some people, this shift in education was just what they needed to motivate themselves to learn new skills and change up how they teach. This can make for some solid additions to your resume. No one can deny that the coronavirus has had a major impact on education and how teachers do their job. So what should you be updating?

  • Include any new software or technology that you have learned how to use such as Google Classroom, Google Forms, Zoom, Seesaw, or Padlet.
  • Highlight any major projects you put together that demonstrated your creativity and ability to make the most of limited resources.
  • Discuss strategies you implemented to keep students engaged.
  • Show ways that you improved communication with parents and students to keep them informed about what was happening.

There is a good chance that blended learning will become more prominent in the future, so you want to show that you can work effectively both in the classroom and online, and transition students between the two. Demonstrate your ability to adjust in the face of uncertainty and continue making learning meaningful and accessible to your students.

If You’re Leaving Teaching

For some people, this change is too much and not how they ever envisioned teaching. They may have already been considering a career change, but now they know for sure that it is the right move. But that doesn’t mean the years you spent in education are all for naught.

  • Add any new technology you have learned to use that could be beneficial outside of education such as Zoom, Google Docs, Google Forms, WebEx, or GoToMeeting. Many businesses are exploring work-from-home options, so it’s good to know how to use these tools.
  • Emphasize your ability to manage projects and ensure that people have the tools, resources, direction, and support necessary to be successful. (This is what you were doing with your students as you guided their learning.)
  • Highlight your communication skills, whether written or verbal. Show that you can use technology to effectively keep in touch and disseminate important information.
  • Demonstrate your adaptability and how you can quickly adjust to changing business demands, learn new processes and procedures, train others, and play an integral role in driving results.

Consider how your skills apply to other fields such as human resources, training and development, management, project management, or sales. There are plenty of opportunities to use what you know in a different way – you just have to make that connection clear for a future employer.

Whether all of these changes have reinforced your love of teaching or made you think about a different career path, you want to get your resume up-to-date. If it has been a while since you last touched your resume, or you’re unsure where to start, the team at Grammar Chic is here to lend a hand. We’ll work with you to highlight your key skills and accomplishments, no matter your professional goals. Contact us today at (803) 831-7444 or