For years, job seekers have heard that their resume should be no more than one page. However, there is no hard and fast rule that one page is the max or even the ideal length. It depends on each person and their individual experience and accomplishments. In fact,...
One piece of fairly consistent resume is advice is to steer clear of functional resumes; they’re often perceived as trying to cover up gaps in employment, short job stints, or other undesirable issues. Job seekers may like them because it’s an opportunity to more...
Imagine it: You’re scanning job openings and you find a position that seems right up your alley and are confident that you could be successful. Then you get to the bottom and see that it lists qualifications that you don’t have. Should you chalk it up to a loss and...
There has been great debate about resume length over the years. Some people are firm believers that it should be no more than one page. After all, recruiters spend less than a minute – and sometimes mere seconds – evaluating whether or not they are interested. From...
If you’ve been putting off updating your resume, the time to stop procrastinating is now. The longer you wait, the more likely you are to forget valuable information and accomplishments. One year fades into the next and older projects get replaced by newer ones....