Submitting a resume littered with mistakes can quickly zap your chances of landing an interview. First impressions matter; you want your resume to be polished, error-free, and easy to understand. When many job seekers go to proof their resume, they often give it a quick skim and see what spellcheck picks up. However, these programs aren’t perfect. They may not catch some errors because you spelled the word correctly, it just wasn’t the word you wanted. Common example: manager vs. manger.

Even the grammar features aren’t always spot on. Make sure you’re carefully reading the sentence before just clicking to change it because the computer says you should. It’s always a good idea to have someone else review your resume as well, especially if you know spelling and grammar are not your strong suit.

However, there is more you should be looking for than just spelling mistakes:

  • Missing words: Sometimes your mind moves faster than your fingers, and while you know exactly what you wanted to type, a word or two may get missed. Read through each sentence and make sure keywords aren’t missing or mistyped. These errors can change the whole meaning of a se
  • Numerical mistakes: Always double and triple check your phone number. Transposing numbers or typing the wrong one can mean the difference between getting a call for an interview and not. Make sure that figures within your resume are up-to-date and accurate as well. You don’t want to say you managed a $2M budget when it was actually $12M or vice versa.
  • Verb tense: Any job that is not current should be written using past tense. Even in your current role, you may have some statements in the past tense if it is work that was already completed and not ongoing. Ensure that each bullet point is in the correct tense for what you are doing now.
  • Confusing sentences: A sentence may make perfect sense to you because you wrote it, and you know what you’re trying to say. However, to someone who hasn’t done your job, the meaning may not be as clear. Have someone else read your resume and point out any spots that they got hung up on.

Though these may seem like minor details, they can make a big difference. You want your resume to give off a positive impression and make hiring managers want to know more about you – not question whether you took the time to proof your resume before you sent it. Turn to Grammar Chic for all of your resume and cover letter needs. Contact us today at (803) 831-7444 or and feel more confident about your application materials.