One of the most daunting challenges of writing a resume is deciding what, exactly, to include. Odds are that if you listed every single responsibility you have held, skill you have used, and accomplishment you have achieved, your resume would far exceed the industry standard in terms of length (and it would never be read for this reason). So, how are you to determine what is important to include?
Step One: Think about what you are most proud of.
Everyone has certain facets of their work that they are more eager to share than others. Has there been a particular project that you have worked on that you believe was a great success? Are there certain skills that you have developed that will contribute to your next position? Did you complete a challenging certification program?
Once you have this list in hand, it’s time to consider what your potential new bosses are looking for.
Step Two: Look at the job descriptions for the positions for which you want to apply.
Targeting your resume’s content to the priorities of a certain position is the best way to showcase your qualifications. Take a look at the job description and match the skills and experience that the hiring manager or recruiter is looking for with information from your own experience. Next, take note of any of the accomplishments that you have achieved that support the idea that you are a strong candidate for the position.
It’s important to keep in mind that you don’t have to translate your experience in a literal sense. Many professional skills are transferable, meaning that they can be valuable in multiple situations. For example, a professional who is applying for a position as a project manager may reference their experience managing a sales team or client accounts. Management skills, though used differently from one situation to the next, are often useful in a variety of environments.
Step Three: Take out any redundant information.
Depending upon the amount of experience that you have in the workforce, you are going to need to limit your resume to one, two, or three pages. Keeping to the appropriate page count can be a challenge, but it is necessary if you want your resume to be taken seriously. So, how can you edit down the information that you want to include?
Well, the tips provided in step one and two above will help you cut out any extraneous information that simply isn’t relevant to the job for which you are applying. But it’s always a good idea to take your edits a step further by making sure that you cut down on any redundant information. Listing that you managed a sales team at each of your jobs can get boring and simply take up space, as you have already mentioned this before. Instead, focus on showing the growth of your professional skill set by honing in on the details.
Not sure if your resume is ready for distribution? Contact Chic Resumes by Grammar Chic, Inc. today by calling 803-831-7444 or visiting for information about how you can improve your resume and increase the odds that you land an interview.