iStock_000017017468XSmallWhat’s the secret to performing well in a job interview? It may be as simple as this: Exude confidence. When you go into an interview with shaky voice, trembling hands, and not a lot of authority behind your answers, you’re not going to do as well—and you’ll know it, too. But when you speak with assurance and control, you’ll present the best version of you that’s possible.

But of course, showing confidence is not so simple at all, certainly not something you can flip on and off like a light switch. You have to put some time into building it, growing it. The question is how?

Creating Confidence before Your Interview: 5 Tips

It’s not a cut-and-dry discipline, but there are a few basic steps you can take to foster your own self-confidence.

  1. Research the company. Knowledge always builds confidence. Spend some time on the company website and LinkedIn page. Read up on company news stories and press clippings. Arrive at your interview with a good idea of the company culture you’re dealing with, and a thorough understanding of what the company does.
  2. Spend some time Googling for some sample interview questions. Practice your answers, out loud—with a partner, if possible. Run practice interview drills as long as it takes for you to hammer down some of the most common interview questions.
  3. Prepare the night before. Lay out what you’re going to wear, any work materials or portfolio items you plan on taking, directions to the place, and so on. Make sure your attempts to get ready for the interview don’t resemble a mad scramble.
  4. Leave early. Allow yourself plenty of time to get there, and leave room for traffic delays and other issues. A frenzied and rushed drive to the interview site will leave you frazzled and stressed, every time—and that’s a confidence killer!
  5. Have a confidence-boosting resume. Make sure you arrive with a truly exemplary resume to show—one that casts you in an ideal light and leaves you feeling proud and confident.

On the first four, you’re on your own; on the fifth one, Grammar Chic’s resume division is here to help. Contact us today for assistance: 803-831-7444, or