You have done your homework and scoped out some great job opportunities. They fit with your interests and abilities, and you are sure you are a good fit. You submit your resume and wait. And wait. And wait. So why isn’t anyone calling?
Even if you know you are qualified for a job, you have to make the employer know you are qualified. Your resume is the first impression that hiring managers get, so you want to make sure it is a strong and convincing one. A few seemingly minor details can make a big difference. Here are some reasons why your resume might not be getting the response you had hoped for:
1. The format is not engaging.
There is not one format that fits every applicant. For those with a lot of experience in their field, a chronological resume can outline their qualifications, detailing progressing responsibilities. If you are looking to switch fields or have some significant gaps, a functional resume may be better. This highlights major strengths and accomplishments that show you can perform well in the desired position. Employment history is listed afterward.
Also, break things up. Having a solid page of text is overwhelming and can make employers quickly lose interest and stop reading. Use bolding, bullet points, and horizontal lines to improve readability and keep things clear and concise.
2. It is lacking a strong marketing message.
Objectives are out. The recruiters who Chic Resumes by Grammar Chic, Inc. partners with say that marketing messages are in. Of course your objective is to get the job you are applying for – why else would you be applying? Create a stronger initial impression by crafting a three to four sentence branding message or summary of qualifications showing employers what you bring to the table. Follow this with a list of core competencies made up of key words and phrases.
Target those qualifications that the job description identifies. Employers are looking for candidates who have these specific traits and abilities. Use this section to highlight your strengths and capabilities. Tailor the marketing message to specific job openings.
3. Job responsibilities are lacking value.
When listing duties and responsibilities, focus on how they were done and what they accomplished. Employers not only want to see what you did, they also want to know the value of it. Think in terms of results- or action-oriented descriptions. Try to incorporate facts and figures to emphasize a job well done. This can make achievements stand out.
Avoid listing every detail of every job you have ever had. Include only those that relate to the position and bring more value to the experience. Which ones best show how you will benefit the employer and what you can bring to the position? Leave off generic tasks that are expected of everyone.
4. It is too generic.
Your resume is your first opportunity to show an employer why you should get the job. Make it stand out. Highlight your strengths and accomplishments to prove why you would be an asset to the position and the company. What makes you a better fit than all of the other candidates applying? Take the time to tailor your resume to each job you are applying for. It does not have to be drastically different, but carefully read the description and make sure that specific key words are emphasized. Effectively use each section to clearly and concisely convey your information.
Let Chic Resumes by Grammar Chic help you create a resume that makes you shine and attracts the right kind of attention. Contact us today by calling 803-831-7444 or visiting to find out how we can help.