4 Ways to Personalize Your Next Cover Letter

4 Ways to Personalize Your Next Cover Letter

Although there is a lot of debate around whether cover letters are necessary and if hiring managers even read them, a general rule of thumb is to err on the side of caution. That means including a cover letter. Worst case, it doesn’t get read. Best case, it gets read...
What Does it Mean to Make Your Resume Appeal to ATS?

What Does it Mean to Make Your Resume Appeal to ATS?

Long gone are the days where you head to a company and turn in your resume by hand. While some businesses accept hard copies, many have turned to digital processes. Nowadays, you submit your resume through an online portal or email it to a hiring manager. In fact,...
Revamping Your Resume in Response to COVID-19

Revamping Your Resume in Response to COVID-19

Whether you’ve been laid off, furloughed, are worried about losing your job, or need to find a new job, updating your resume is one of the first places to start. The coronavirus pandemic has created some major shifts in the job market and economy. Industries that at...